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- Wanted to make some bracelets and assemble them into a pack.

- This is one of them completed, a viking arm ring, used this as reference. Made this one first since it was more difficult (required hand sculpting for the head). The rest are going to be a bit more straightforward, looking at some leather punk spiked bracelets and some simple braided ones.

- Unfortunately, I couldn't keep the twisted wire metal that the highpoly had as actual geometry (this is a game model after all). It looks a bit flat in this closeup, but at regular game viewing distance it should look great. 




Any chance you could make that armring for Skyrim?


Hah, I was actually strongly considering that myself, taking into account Skyrim's viking/nordic theme, this would fit really well. I can't really promise anything right now, I'm mostly in a scramble to get as much content as possible done before the poll is up, so ports aren't high on my list right now, but yeah, definitely a strong chance :)