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- 85-90% complete

- you know how I said in the original poll post that there's a lot of potential for screw-ups, due to my practical inexperience with building hair? Well, I messed up and that became increasingly noticeable as I was stacking up detail.

- I was forced to go back and remake some parts and do major shape tweaking, so for a lot of time, I was basically spinning my wheels trying to fix things. Unfortunately similarly to a house built on a bad foundation, you can't really fix all the problems without just tearing it down and rebuilding completely, which is something I'm not going to do here.

- Still, I'm learning a lot from the mistakes I did building this, so if there's ever a next time, I'm sure I'll do better. Practice really does make perfect :P

- Hair has a lot more volume, shape and detail at this stage than when you last saw it. Most  detail has been placed (in the back region especially which is why this is shot from the back). Some tertiary details remain and some final detail (flyaway hairs/single strands) needs to be placed to complete the model.

- I'm hoping I can finish this model in another 2 days.




Damn looking good. Keep up the good work. There is a saying: Thomas Edison tried and failed nearly 2000 times to develop the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent light bulb. And when he asked about, he said "I didn't fail"; I found out 2000 ways how not to make a light bulb," but he only needed one way to make it work."


very pretty!!