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- I said I'd put this poll up later this month, but I'm putting it up now, so that I can leave it open longer and more people can vote on it.

- So I've opened up this Patreon page for close to 10 months now and I've mostly only been doing wearable character things (clothing/armor).  I've released more of these in the past months than I have in the 7 years since I started making models for games and to be honest, I'm a bit burned out on it. So for this project/poll, I'd like to maybe take a bit of a break from that and offer something different that you can vote on and eventually use if the poll results are favorable.

- Normally, in times like these, I'd choose to make a weapon or something, as I have in the past, but that's probably not what a lot of people would want, so I think this is the perfect time to try making something I've never done before and that is


- Simply put, I'm looking to make a single, high-quality female hairstyle.  

- I've been looking into this on and off for what feels like years now, but I've never actually pulled the trigger on a complete scratch-made model and most I've done was editing existing models.

- Motivation for it, aside from the above, is that there isn't that much of this out there. Most are old, sometimes outdated ports, or rips from other games, which, some can be decent, but most are not fully realized due time or performance constraints that are imposed in game production. I don't really have those constraints unless I self impose, so I can pretty much go crazy with it and make heavier meshes/textures that you'd be hard pressed to find in a game scenario.

- I also believe that something like this has wide appeal (I'm willing to bet that everyone who downloads mods such as mine has at some point downloaded or is actively using a hair mod) so there's something here for everyone and it also has the benefit of being easy to port in all kinds of games, since characters in games may not always have an AK but they'll always have hair :).

- I DO NOT have a fixed concept or a specific hairstyle that I am going for, so I can't offer you a concrete, single image that illustrates how the end hairstyle is going to look, as I have in the past for polls like this. 

- I can however post a reference sheet that I have made for my own use. I don't know how it's going to look entirely at this point, I'm going to experiment with different things and see what works/doesn't, so the reference sheet is mostly for details or elements I'd potentially like my hair to have

- I'm mostly settled on making a longer, half-up half-down type hairstyle with some sort of decorations (maybe a bun/braids or something like that). I've settled on this because it is visually impressive/complex in it's structure (especially from the back/gameplay camera) and offers a lot of opportunities for detailing and trying out different techniques to make it.

- Even if you're not a fan of the general look, consider this a stepping stone for other styles, as this whole thing is one giant experiment. If this is a successful, then it opens the door for more in the future and who knows, maybe a full hairpack one day, since I'd definitely be interested in making more after this.

- Like with the design, I don't have a concrete time frame for when this would be finished. I'd hope for a dev duration similar to the other projects from the polls, but as I mentioned, I don't have much practical experience with a complete, scratch made hairstyle, especially something of the complexity I'm aiming for, so there's a lot of potential for screw-ups, unforeseen issues or things turning out bad and needing to be remade.

- Poll is open for a bit over 2 weeks, I'm really interested in the responses for this one :)



I am ecstatic that you're considering dabbling with hair, tbh. I never made my own from the ground up, but I have ported a good lot for personal use from other games' modding communities. I can redo the textures as much as I want, but the mesh quality isn't always the best. As for the concepts, I really like the half-up/half-down look a lot, especially the ones that have the majority of the hair behind the shoulders or have fringed bangs off to the side (like the Lindsay Lohan image). I look forward to seeing what you can do if this can garner the support, though.


I would say, definitely make it. But on your own time. I also agree that a break could do good. I take breaks every month to go visit family, then come back with a clear head and maybe some new inspiration. So new content, yes, break, yes, and hair, YASS!


I'm excited for it myself a lot, and this hasn't really happened for me in a long time when it comes to making something. Not to worry about meshes, having a realistic model with actual visible depth, rather than a flat boring mesh that looks like a bunch of planks, is a must for me and this project and I'm not giving up on it until that has been achieved. Seeing how one-sided the poll currently is I'd say it's definitely happening, it's hard to imagine it swinging the other way so much.


Can't really take actual breaks where I don't do anything myself, since I'd fall behind on content, but making hair is such a wildly different pipeline than what I'd normally use for weapons/armor that it's definitely going to fell like I'm doing something else entirely, which was the "break" I was looking for from more standard content :)