Amara undershirt high and low (Patreon)
- Finished undershirt highpoly:
- Finished lowpoly game mesh:
- As I said in the last WIP post, this model is a bit flatter than something like the jeans, so quality is lower in comparison, however since something like this would technically be covered by the vest in the full outfit, I didn't feel that detail like that would be warranted or worth the time investment.
- This is pretty much ready for textures now similar to the boots.
- My GPU is back, just in time as I finished this model, so I will go back and start texturing the boots tomorrow. I estimate around 2 days for that, so late Saturday-ish those should be done. Another day for ingame implementation/testing/adjustments, so I think Monday-ish those should be released give or take. Afterwards I'll texture this shirt as well.