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Hello everyone! Just a lil update, quick one because I don't feel like overexplaining everything.
As the title implies, I wanna use this patreon more, so starting next month i'll be uploading all the art I make here, in high quality, so you guys get a lil bonus for your support. I also wish to put out more art in general, I feel like doing these huge pieces with multiple characters and detailed backgrounds and alts kinda takes a lot more time than i'd like, so i'd like to try drawing more stuff with less stuff going on.

I plan on opening up a Discord server as well, which is where you'll also be able to access patreon exclusive art, as well as where i'll be hosting streams and other stuff!

And lastly, I also want to bring back multiple tiers, as it stands now, I only have one tier available. But later on during the year, I wanna expand it a little more to offer different types of rewards, maybe even raffle some sketches!

Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what you guys think! I am open to any and all critiques!



FYI, I know people do it often, but I heard somewhere that raffle tiers are supposedly not allowed under Patreon ToS??? Absolutely no idea if that's even true, but wanted to mention ittttt. Looking forward to the server and seeing more MEN posted to the Patreon!!


Ooh really? I wasn’t aware of that! Maybe i’ll just have limited sketch slots instead then!