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Hey everyone. It's taken me a while to grow comfortable with posting this, but as the title suggests, I'm considering shutting down the Patreon. There's a few reasons for this which I hope are somewhat understandable.

The first is that, most of the time when I'm thinking about this place, I'm stressed. I don't think I do an adequate job at providing accurate updates as to what I'm actually doing, and I haven't had the motivation or incentive to create better rewards for you or anyone else who's interested in my work. I also, just generally, don't think I'm making anything of value here that isn't already present on my other social media sites. If I can, my lack of professionalism towards this Patreon is something I genuinely want to apologize for.

The second has to do with my own goals. I originally had the intention of launching a Patreon once I'd met some specific conditions for it to be viable-- but I ended up deciding to go against my better judgement and launching it ahead of time under the assumption I could meet those conditions later. In the end, I think the former decision was wiser. My comic (which was the main project I wanted to launch with the Patreon) is currently in limbo. I'm not confident that it has the momentum to become a reality with as little interest as it has now, and if it ever does, there's a high chance I'll have restarted it from the beginning so I can tell the story in a faster, more consistent, and more enjoyable manner. 

The third has to do with my life in general. I've backed myself into a weird corner where I'm technically not allowed to take commissions due to a limit on how much I can make in a year with my benefits-- something that's become really pertinent now that I'm working a part-time job. In my opinion, the commission WIPs were one of the main things of genuine value I provided you guys, and I don't see how I can make it up to you if those aren't happening anymore. 

A fourth reason has to do with alternatives. I'm considering posting sketches on Twitter, and instead using something like Ko-Fi as an option for those who may be interested in supporting me. 

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this probably will be to people who joined relatively recently. If I end up making the decision to shut the page down, I'll likely mark past posts as public over time in case some of you would like to revisit older posts for any reason (if Patreon allows me to).

Overall, I'd like to thank you guys for your willingness to either pop by and help me out just a tiny bit -- or stick through everything in spite of the shortcomings. It really means a lot to me. Thanks <3




I never expected any rewards from this, I joined to just support you because I love what you do, even if you don't post a lot I don't mind as long as I support you, its fine by me, if you do decide to close it, it was nice being able to support you in any way, and hopefully things get easier for you


i know im 6 months late to this, but, dont feel pressured to post on here, i joined to support your art and you in general ^^