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I had to alter this character a bit because the design wasn't working so well initially `^^

For the second "assault" category class, I came up with grenadier-- who's pretty self explanatory. She has an air-powered grenade launcher that shoots bombs which also splay paint upon detonating. Her secondary hand-held grenades come in two choices: incendiary (for defense), and colored smoke (for attack). 

Another idea I had for her was a baseball-bat which, if used skillfully, could knock enemy grenades away, but I never got around to sketching it. Maybe another time!

[Edit: added shading]

"Unconcerned with the potential psychoactive effects of paint-fumes, Grenadier was chased across the stars for decorating her client's spacecraft with explosive film. Now she claims to be the founder of a movement called 'post-mortem gestural abstraction.'"


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