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I got inspired by Team Fortress 2 concept art recently, and wanted to take a whack at the style.

Here's the first rendition of a class from my hypothetical Protogen-Fortress game:

The classes are split into 3 categories: Assault, Support, and Subterfuge, with 3 in each category, so 9 in total -- just like the other Fortress games. I have the other 8 written down and planned.

Oh, and the teams are orange and blue instead of red and blue. 

Slug is an Assault class, who serves as the character most friendly to newer players-- hence the training dummy theme. He uses a powerful lever-action slug shotgun that can be used to "rocket" jump, as well as grenades, and a lil pistol.

I'll make a more detailed ref later on that fleshes out his abilities, with weapons & stuff, including a brief bio :3



Release date when?!!