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Hey everyone-- sorry for the lack of updates! A lot happened last week-- I broke the pressure sensitivity on my wacom pen and had to get it replaced, meaning I couldn't work on my comic at all while waiting for the replacement.

...But I did try some storyboarding, since that didn't require any pressure-sensitive work. Here's a sneak peek at some frames:

There's 223 more where that came from-- about a weeks worth of work, and it's still very much "in-progress." I'm not quite ready to show it in its entirety -yet- , but hopefully these bits give you some ideas. 

Though today, I managed to complete this animation test in several hours without using Sketchbook's flipbook feature. It basically involved using layers to animate-- while exporting each individual frame as a PNG. Tedious, but it allows me to polish any animations much more since there's no limit to the amount of layers I can use (flipbook only allows two). 

So ye. I'll most likely be trying to work on the comic again soon. Thanks! <3


Animating without an "animation" program - short experiment

A small test to see if I could make an animation in Autodesk Sketchbook without using its flipbook feature. This involved basically animating via layers and exporting each frame individually as a PNG. It comes with its advantages (namely letting me use as many layers as I want in the final composition), but it'd be tedious as fuuuuuck with something more complicated lmao. Managed to do it in several hours though!


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