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Now that both stories are done, its time to figure what will happen next!  I am working to figure what to do to make higher tiers worthy.  But that will be another post.  This one is about putting forward story ideas.  I'll be gathering suggestions.  And we'll be voting in a poll next month when I am back from Anthrocon.

Each patreon story will be about 10 pages long per month.  I'll be putting forth one suggestion, but I want everyone to be involved, and this to be a community voted decision in the end.  And remember, there will be 2 stories, unless people want to up that limit to 3.  Let me know also in the comments below where you can put forward suggestions!



What about a story in the Droned universe, or the Toys-4-U off-shoot with the rogue sergal nightclub hive?

Alex S.

Person comes across a sentient latex suit that assists them in their life but causes them to get more aroused as they wear it, the suit's personality eventually takes over the user.