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I am opening for commissions, which means 3 slots open early for the patroens here.  Normally it be split amongst the different tiers but since you all did top tier... you crazy awesome people its for all here who wants a commission.

The special bonus, is related to a 5th commission I will be taking for a long term friend for another long term friend, and one of my "Joke" themed commissions.  Like the noncanon cross over between Toys-4-U and the MQ drones.  This is an alien themed story.  Where nearly everyone on the crew are... not very bright and just make things worse for the main character, an anthropomorphic version of Aliens 2 Ripley, a shark named Ivy.  Everyone will get turned into rubber xenomorphs.  The story will be focused on hilarity rather than sex.  And those who want in will count as a 10 dollar budget boost to the project.  But to note your character will do stupid things to make things worse for Ivy.  Such as stick your head near the egg sac, ect.  Stuff like that.   let me know down below if you want to be cameoed in it (and give what character), and in a separate comment if you want a commission slot.  Commissions will be open a week early here before open to the general public.


Alex S.

I will claim a normal slot. I have an idea. >:3


Put me down for a normal slot with an idea that I have. One chapter and something simple. :)