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Set in the Toys-4-U universe.  This is the start of a new series, where a pair of lesbian dragon lovers and entrepreneurs, start up a new fetish sergal drone themed dance club.  The club set to open in about two weeks, they eagerly await their Toys-4-U sergal drone hoods that will turn anyone who wears them into a smooth faceless rubber sergal drone.

This is just the business, what is suppose to happen like with any good Toys-4-U product that there is safety protocols in place, protective measures, and no permanent changes to the wearer.  But something goes wrong.   The sergal hoods get infected by a virus, and all safety measures are disabled.  Leading to the Hub to become more than just a name... and remember this is only the beginning.


Alex S.

Do have to say this is a new favorite from you. Hits all the right buttons.