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Thank you for your continued support! Please enjoy this preview of Chapter 32 which will release on Patreon on 3/27/23 at 0800 MST! I'm totally not copy pasting this intro message!

Chapter 32

Subject: AI Henry

Species: Human-Created Artificial Intelligence

Description: No physical description available.

Ship: N/A

Location: Classified

"Henry, I need you," Dr. Einheimer said.

Not like I'm busy or anything you wrinkly sack of bones. The "good" doctor had been working around the clock to solve the new anti-warp tech that we'd gotten from the scouts. A good project, to be sure, but Einheimer is down right insufferable. I'd rather work with literally anyone else in the Engineering Corps.

Despite that, I activated my avatar, a humanoid form made of pale green light and entirely devoid of features.

"Yes, doctor?" I asked, disguising my resentment.

"A response time of a full half second? Are we feeling a bit testy today, Henry?"

"Of course not, doctor. How can I help?" I asked.

"I miss when AI couldn't lie," he said with a chuckle. "Though I guess they were actually VI back then. Anyways, my lab assistant seems lost. He's asking questions. I was hoping you'd clue him in because I'm concentrating."

It took more than a little willpower not to snap at the old codger. I am NOT a fucking tutor, you three hundred and nineteen year old overvalued gasbag. I almost said that, but then I looked at the poor lab assistant. The lab assistant who was obviously confused, and female. No doubt had she been male he would have said "her". A silly, immature power-play to nobody's benefit. How on brand.


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