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Thank your for your continued support! Chapter 28 will release on 2/27/22 at 0800 MST. Please enjoy this preview in the meantime!

Subject: Nav-Officer Kraan

Species: Urakari

Ship: RSV Onesanil {Teeth Exposed}

Location: Rigara

"Alrighty boys, girls, and everything in between. We've got word that we're good to jump. On my mark," said Unas. "Three, two, one, mark!"

I initiated the jump to warp and checked our readings.

I looked back at the ship-head with a grin and said, "We were the first to jump, ship-head."

He grinned back, "Excellent. Then we'll be the first to arrive."

The bridge fell into silence. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, nervous about what we'd see when we arrived. The only sound was the occasional soft burp from the mdkpnz in the crew. The jump seemed to drag on and on when suddenly we arrived. I confirmed our location, outside of the Sol system. I scanned as much as I could within the system but our sensors were built for combat so I didn't get much data.

"What do we see, Kraan?" asked the ship-head.

"We've got the system layout, and there's ships in it. Can't tell if there's weapons fire or not. I also can't tell how many ships there are, but there's multiple groupings."

"Hmmph," the ship-head grunted. "They had us jump pretty far out. Did they do that on purpose to avoid our sensors? How do they know the range?"

Our intel-head, a juntor named Krintunias, spoke up in the monotone voice indicative of his species, "Probably not, ship-head. They likely had us jump this far out to make certain we would not be effected by the reported warp disruptor technology. However, it is almost assured that they know our maximum sensor range."

The rest of the fleet arrived alongside us as the ship-head asked, "What do you mean?"

"The intel packet we got said that the United Systems scanned the Lowelana to be able to translate between the Urakari aboard and the US. Even we are able to determine a ship's sensor range with a good scan. I'd be surprised if they weren't able to."


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