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All measurements are in Earth Standard. Planet and system names all mean "Sun" and "Earth" in their respective alien dialects.

Terms Defined (simply):

Humanoid - Two arms and two legs.

Arachnoid - Eight legs with an exoskeleton.

Centauroid - Four legs, two arms.

Shokanoid - Four arms, two legs.

Amoeboid - A real word, meaning characteristics similar to an amoeba.

Dannoid - Two arms, no legs.

Arthropoid - More than eight legs with an exoskeleton.

List of United Systems Species:

  1. Human - Mammalian humanoid, no tail. 6'2" (1.87 m) avg height. 185 lbs (84 kg) avg weight. 170 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Sol, Earth. Notes: A long and combative history has helped humanity develop many clever tactics and weapons for war. Estimated Species Age: 300000 years.
  2. Knuknu - Avian humanoid, feathered tail. 5'10" (1.7 m) avg height. 84 lbs (38 kg) avg weight. 342 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Eanlil, Yons. Notes: The knuknu enjoyed a far more peaceful history than most, which led to a much sooner than normal space age. Estimated Species Age: 210000 years.
  3. Alumari - Arachnoid, no tail. 5'3" (1.5 m) avg height. 92 lbs (41.7 kg) avg weight. 108 year life expectancy. Cradle System and planet: Monor, Alunis. Notes: The Alumari are much older than other species and took longer to develop due to their extremely bloody history. Their aggression was nurtured rather than natural, and eased off after a world war involving wmds. Estimated Species Age: 1.2 million years.
  4. Gont - Centauroid, hair tail. 6'8" (2 m) avg height. 310 lbs (140 kg) avg weight. 162 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Sarn Macri, Gunar. Notes: Similar history as humanity, but fewer weapons of mass destruction fielded. Gont culture is heavily focused on engineering and fighting, with most subcultures abhorring and prohibiting the usage of weapons of mass destruction to win a fight. Estimated species age: 290000 years.
  5. Shitbag - Sackoidal, no tail. 7'2" (2.1 m) avg height. 380 lbs (172 kg) avg weight. Unknown avg life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Sol, Mars. Notes: Corporal (soon to be private) Simmons. Estimated Species Age: 86 years.

List of Republic Species:

  1. Urakari - Reptilian humanoid, no tail. 5'3" (1.6 m) avg height. 135 lbs (61 kg) avg weight. 105 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Rass, Ureni. Notes: A core member of the Republic. Provides most of the federal fleet and labor force. Has several religions dedicated to the worship of stars. Estimated Species Age: 41000 years.
  2. Isolan - Mammalian Shokanoid, no tail. 5'9" (1.75 m) avg height. 180 lbs (81.6 kg) avg weight. 95 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Lolus, Mant. Notes: The Isolan joined the Republic after the war of unification and quickly became a core member. Does not enjoy being petted. Estimated Species Age: 320000 years.
  3. Juntor - Amoeboid, no tail. 3'6" (1 m) avg height. 42 lbs (19 kg) avg weight. 75 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Lyanora, Lyanor. Notes: The Duhliki uplifted this species prior to joining the Republic. Utilize mechanical aid to interact with non-amoeboid items. Has several cultural taboos regarding music and sound. Estimated Species Age: Unknown.
  4. Duhliki - Mammalian Humanoid, no tail. 6'1" (1.8m) avg height. 181 lbs (82 kg) avg weight. 185 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Zilnma, Zarana. Notes: Initially aggressively expansionist, the Duhliki tempered their aggression after their defeat in the unification war. Suspected to have attempted to start their own version of the Republic. Facial horns play a part in their standards of beauty and mating rituals. Estimated Species Age: 420000
  5. Maltovariakina - Mammalian Dannoid, no tail. 4'1" (1.2 m) avg height. 67 lbs (30 kg) avg weight. 101 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Talira, Rustaya. Notes: Not much is known about this species, as they rarely leave their own space. They have two external appendages that are used for both locomotion and for grasping. Illegally uplifted by the Duhliki. Estimated Species Age: 110000
  6. Mdkpnz - Chordatan Humanoid, no tail. 5'9" (1.7 m) avg height. 153 lbs (69 kg) avg weight. 147 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Ipfrly, Pnzhd. Notes: Has many similar internal characteristics as fish. Two mouths and four eyes. Protuberances upon their chest appear to be evolved from air bladders, but now aid in digestion. Several cultural taboos regarding these sacks. Estimated Species Age: 440000
  7. Kinran - Arthropoid, no tail. 6'2" avg height. 304 lbs avg weight. 129 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Kinnilis, Kinr. Notes: Ten limbs, all with universal appendages. Each limb's joints all act as wrist joints. Despite being terrifying to most life, the Kinran are herbivorous and empathic. Most (estimated to be 74%) space-faring Kinran suffer from anxiety disorders. Estimated Species Age: 980000 years.
  8. Oyan - Avian humanoid, feathered tail. 6'1" (1.8 m) avg height. 96 lbs (43 kg) avg weight. 161 year life expectancy. Cradle system and planet: Oyalus, Oyaniz. Notes: A core member of the Republic. Bears a striking resemblance to the Knuknu, with the exception of a small spinal ridge. DNA examination shows a potential relation between the two species. How this is possible is unknown and currently being investigated. Led a mostly peaceful existance until joining the Republic, where they were found to be natural leaders both politically and militarily. Estimated Species Age: 210000 years.