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Here's a fable as a piece of bonus content to show my appreciation for your support. I wrote this a long time ago, but recently remembered it. Enjoy!

An old an unnamed god slept within a jungle, long forgotten by the world.

A young monkey played within the jungle, having gained independence from its parents.

The two met when the young monkey woke the god with its antics, and the two became friends.

Much had changed since the god had slept, and the monkey delighted in showing the god new sights.

The two played for years, climbing to the tops of the trees and eating the nicest of fruit.

The monkey grew old but the god remained young, for it was immortal as all gods are.

The god cared for the monkey while it grew older and older, until one day the monkey died.

The god did not have dominion over death, and was powerless to do anything to bring back its friend.

The god wept and wept, causing rains and thunder the likes of which the jungle had never seen.

The god's sorrow washed away the jungle, killing all of the animals within.

Eventually the god returned to the loving embrace of sleep, never to wake again.



The Moral: The monkey had family within the jungle. If the god had worked through its grief instead of allowing sorrow to overwhelm it, the god could have found new friends instead of suffering its tragic fate.