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This is a rough draft of what the Class A WMDs do. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for your support!

All Class A Weapons of Mass Destruction require timed activation. Usage against enemies with Point Defense capabilities is unadvised. Unauthorized usage of Class A Weapons of Mass Destruction is a criminal offense.


A4 Warhead - AKA The Nova Bomba. A warhead with a payload of several nuclear devices positioned in such a way as to increase their yield. More expensive than most nuclear devices. Usage is logged and audited.

A3 Warhead - AKA Nanobomb. An armor penetrating warhead containing a nanomechanical payload that destroys indiscriminately for thirty seconds. Dangerous for both sides of a conflict. Usage is restricted to Directorate Approval.

A2 Warhead - AKA Red Matter Bomb. A warhead containing a nanomechanical payload that creates a singularity effect for a period of time ranging from 10 to 23 seconds. Dangerous for both sides of a conflict. Usage is restricted to Admiralty Approval.

Not Currently Equipped:

A1 Warhead - AKA Nanukes. An armor penetrating warhead containing a nuclear nanomechanical payload that disperses and detonates. Dispersal pattern may be unpredictable and as such is dangerous for both sides of a conflict. Usage is restricted to Directorate Approval.

A0 Warhead - AKA Planet Cracker. A deep surface penetrating warhead containing a planetary core disruption package. Can destroy planetary bodies. Usage is restricted to Senate Approval.


Ibrahim Arief

I thought A2s delivery mechanism necessitates drilling to the center of the planet first before deploying the weapon. :p


Lmao to be fair, if you wanted to destroy a planet with an A2 you would have to drill down to the core and then fire the missile at the core. It would still take more than one missile though xD