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Chapter 22 will release on 1/16/23 at 0800 MST. Please enjoy this little preview!

Chapter 22

Subject: AI Omega

Species: Human-Created Artificial Intelligence

"Omega, what can you do for us, exactly?" Captain Neil asked as he sat down in his captain's chair.

You mean other than everything? But that wouldn't do. I'd rather take a backseat and watch the humans do their dance of destruction. It had been so long since I'd had the opportunity to be a part of the action that if I could salivate, I would. The last time had been four years ago in the gont's Clnat {grim beacon} system. Weapons would be fun, but realistically my reaction time would be best put to use on movement and evasion.

"I can take navigation. Use your tac map to let me know which direction you want to be in and which way you want to travel and I'll make it so, Captain Neil."

He looked around for my hologram. When he couldn't find it he directed his next inquiry to the speaker I had used, "Does that count FTL as well?"


"Excellent," he said.


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