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Chapter 19 releases 12/26/22 at 0800 MST. Thank you so much for your continued support!

Chapter 19

Subject: Admiral Bakir

Location: Sol

I crossed my arms behind my back and asked the empty air, "Tim, Violet?"

"Yes, Admiral?" they both asked at once, which was a little unnerving.

"If we are able to determine where they're going to jump in and which direction they'll be facing, how fast could you get all the guns in the fleet firing solutions that would intersect multiple ships?"

"The targeting computers are pretty fast, sir. We'd probably only be able to speed up one or two each," Tim said.

"I agree, admiral," Violet began, "our best bet would be to have all the guns armed and ships pointed where they'll be popping in from. Then fire simultaneously."

"Yes, I think you're right. And the enemies numbers aren't nearly as important as making sure the warp jammers are out of the fight," I said, knowing they had thought of that but were being polite.

"Yep," said Tim. "Once we can warp again we'll be able to avoid their fire and pick them apart at our leisure. Judging from the last battle, they don't retreat either, so however many ships they send at us..."

"Is how many they won't have for the next fight," I finished. "Okay. Pay attention to the deep space sensors and help coordinate the fleet to point at the direction the enemy will be warping in from. That'll be all."

"Yes, sir," they both said simultaneously. Still unnerving.



Can Tim be present in multiple systems? I thought that was an Omega thing, may have assumed wrong.


Nope, he sure can't. But he was with the Thanatos, which has since returned to Sol without Director 3, Omega, and a few marines lol