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Chapter 17 will release on 12/12/22 at 0800 MST. Here's a preview!

Subject: Ship-Head Uleena

Species: Urakari

"Hello Director 3, this is station-master Nixt. Our diplomat has arrived. You'll be meeting with ship-head Uleena and ambassador Ulooni," Nixt explained.

"Understood. Can we meet aboard the station?"

"Um," interrupted Ulooni, "We wouldn't typically want to meet on something that is armed. This station has defensive weaponry."

"I'm aware," said Director 3, "The weaponry aboard the station consists of four 50mm chain guns and two guided missile launchers, correct?"

All three of us looked at each other with wide eyes. Then Ulooni and I looked at station-master Nixt questioningly.

"Yes," he replied, "That's correct."

"Then that will work for us. Not to offend you, but such light armaments are not a concern to us."

Ulooni turned to me and mouthed, "Light armaments?"

I nodded emphatically.


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