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This guy has some odd ideas


As yet untitled why do atheists have kids video



You have been scraping the bottom of the "apologetics barrel", so to speak, with these rambling, vlogging weirdos. It's still fun, but getting a little bit stale. Can we get some silly conspiracy theory and/or scam videos, for a change of pace? I miss the good ol' days of Gina Maria and Padre...


He is the kind of muslim that would not feel sad if his friends caught an atheist and killed them. I don't think he would do that himself but he would not complain about it either.


So a religious person should have children knowing they will spend their lives in suffering and meaninglessness because they assume the children will go to heaven when they die? So only Muslims, right? Because the children of other religious people are doomed to hell. So all non-Muslim indidels should be anti-natalists?