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Everything this guy has ever said is one of the best lines of evidence that he's a silly person.


As yet untitled silly morality video


daniel schmitt

Ah, so the theist is just upset that he has to give an actual reasonable argument for his moral opinions instead of just screeching "my moral opinions are the correct ones because they're objective!" Maybe if his moral opinions weren't so trash he wouldn't be so worried about having to have valid arguments for them if he wants other people to agree with him.


When he started his story about the boss who steals your lunch, I thought he was going to say: "And God is like your boss. If he does something you don't like then tough luck! If God says it's OK to steal your lunch, then it's OK to steal your lunch, and there is nothing you can do about it, because he is your boss." But no. Apparently he has something against morality being forced upon you by authority.😜 Oh, wait...