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Here's the last one! As yet untitled unreasonable atheists video: https://youtu.be/lDy-TFiXCHM
Fair warning - This one could easily have copyright issues due to the clips from 12 Angry Men, so I might have to reupload it at some point. I guess don't get too attached to your comments. It's alright so far, though.


Last one. Please see placeholder #1 for what this is about. Will be replaced with a video within the next few days.


U wot m8

You know that feeling when you order food and you wait for a while and it hasn't arrived yet. Then you check your order online to see if it's estimated to be there soon, but there's no update and you feel all hungry and annoyed. But then you hear your doorbell ringing and the pizza man is right there on your ring camera, and all your worries are replaced with excitement for the thing you've waited for. That's how this feels. Kinda.


WAIT JUST A CONSARNED MINUTE!!! Is THAT what VenomFangX actually looks like? And he’s a ding-dang MUSLIM now????!? (😋) https://youtu.be/j8KowNQ8E9E?si=kG9TDGialYszXt8l