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The one before the last one.


As yet untitled ACU Chapter 6 video



We gather ladies and gentlemen to witness the final moments of a monumental arc.


I’m torn between the amusement I share regarding this inept apologist’s arguments and the sad reality so many people I know hold to this kind of drivel. Kudos for hanging in there Logicked. You’re almost there buddy lol.


Greetings Logicked. Just listening to this and it seems to me that there may be a brief editing error around 3:50-4:10 mark, where there are what seem like two takes of the same phrase back-to-back. Maybe its just me being dumb though and not spotting some important difference. Its not to jarring, but thought you might like to be aware and check it out etc. Hope this is of some help. Best wishes FF


I heard it too. Probably not a big enough error to make it worth re-uploading though