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Kelper, Hilter, and Stallin walk into a bar...


As yet untitled "A.C.U" Chapter 4 review



"I will repeat this romantic gesture tomorrow" totally going to start saying that to my partner after giving them goodnight hugs


I assume that someday Mr. Calvo will find someway to setup a church and then get an audience that will stroke his ego without questioning anything.

daniel schmitt

Every time I think you've found the person with the most broken brain on the planet, you dig deeper and discover a new deposit of dumb. I'm a bit afraid of what you might find next.

Alex Ingraham

Yay! So happy for another Almando video! His personal... brand (?) of stupidity is so damn fascinating lol

Alex Ingraham

I'm (cautiously) optimistic that he lacks the people skills and charisma to be the one in charge/founder. But, I do see him failing his way up to one day taking over whatever cult he gets sucked into...

Alex Ingraham

Side note, have we concluded that Almando doesn't have editors or that either a) he just doesn't listen to them or b) they care so little, that they just tell him it's fine so he'll leave them alone? I suppose option c would be that they're also this bad at writing, but I find that oddly disheartening...

Brian Gibson

I watched most of these recent 4 videos back to back and on this one I can hear the lunacy of these getting to you Logicked. :)


So if he thinks love is an act of will, is that why he believes people can just will themselves to believe in God despite what our thoughts about it are? I can just force myself to accept his claims and be a Christian I guess. And if so, why bother with any arguments for god at all?


Ugh! This guy is such an idiot 🤦🏼‍♀️