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This is the one that isn't a book review one, but it's still fun, maybe.


As yet untitled atheism is stupid video



I can't get past the fingerprints on the window


In a shopping center parking lot. I wonder if his mom left him in the car while she went in to shop?


Wow, this guy really went down the list of the low hanging apologist's greatest hits album. If I hadn't heard all these about a million times already my head would be spinning trying to process this much concentrated stupid.


I was wondering about that too. Is he trapped in the car, gazing longingly at the outside world with his fingertips on the glass?


This is probably the clearest example yet of someone just parroting things they heard in church or from family. Random disconnected catchphrases with no sign of thought going on.


I’m so happy to see your list of supporters getting so long.


So two thousand years ago, when your god in the flesh who is all knowing was walking this earth, did he have a car and a flushing toilet? Well why not? How long does it take? Didn't he just know how?