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The final video in the lead-up to the review of A Conscious Universe.


As yet untitled Conscious Universe discussion video


Brian Gibson

I bet Almando is part of the generation who were given gold stars for just showing up and told how he can be whatever he wants by those around him. Therefore his delusion of how he is great at things he is not. Never given tough love. Instead he was coddled and pampered to not hurt his feelings. As we all know someone has to be the dummy

Brian Gibson

No way has he went through boot camp. Most people that I know of that went through that gain some sort of humility and a bit more respect to those around them. Unless their mental state is so far gone. And if he went through that at this stage he is an equivalent of a mental moron. He's mentally all screwed up. Beyond repair. I hope he isn't the conscientious objector type and doesn't see real combat. The warzone will be very bad for his future. Meaning he won't have one. He'll be the OP (observation point) which by what I remember are the first to bite it.

Brian Gibson

So proud wearing his U.S Army clothes given to him by his recruiter. LMAO!!! Welcome to the terror dome pretty boy!!!! I know I wrote a lot on this one. This really annoyed me with his pansy ass nonsense and to put himself on a pedestal because he feels emboldened just because he joined the military. I'll take odds right now Logicked. I'm almost certain he'll get a Medical. That's what those that are weak mentally get to get out of completing their training. I say he'll be making a video with an excuse of why he failed. 98% positive. But I'll be here when it happens. Medical is worse than a dishonorable.


I've known someone like him, the type of person who has an allergic reaction to facts/knowledge. The one I knew was very cocky, but would freak out if anyone tried to correct any of his MANY flawed views. For example nothing anyone said could convince him that humming birds were birds, not insects! I'm sure he still believes that to this day!


Unfortunately, if I remember right, we tried to clarify that point. Besides around here we call them ladybugs. He was also very thinned skinned. Makes me wonder if that has anything to do with the confident ignorance.

daniel schmitt

Hahahhah. Of course Almando's "amazing scientific all new" argument for God would be "look at the trees."

Brian Gibson

LMAO!!! Strict moral code of the military?? He's gonna be a condescending little prick in a world that is not the comfy little spot he has at Mama's and he might be a casualty of not so friendly fire. Have you ever seen a person that has had a phlebotomy? The hollow behind the eyes. That's what I see in his eyes. Hollowness


Almondo is a walking talking example of the Dunning Krueger effect. Sad!