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Oh wow, I guess it's that time again


As yet untitled God Is re-review



The wait is over!


I am an Almando Calvo junkie and Logicked is my pusher. Thanks for the hit.


Sadly exactly as expected: The cover was reworked (probably used a spell-checker, but nothing more sophisticated); On the inside only a bit of extra text to fend off plagiarism accusations and the removal of a Disney-owned image. That's it. I also believe that Almando probably thinks that putting a (c) notice on the book makes him the rightful owner of everything that is in it. No matter where that content came from.


Oh dear. Sight-unseen, I knew I had to drop everything and check this out. Looking forward to this one!


So I just had my 3 new books copyrighted and given seals of approval.


Gone with the wind a story set in the American Civil war. War and Peace about the Napoleonic War between Russia and France and All quiet on the Western Front about a German soldier during WWI. Totally not plagiarized.


Like clockwork, the end of the month… Equally reliable is Almando.

Brian Gibson

Yay!!! Almando's books of lunacy are finally in. Hold on let me get some coffee this aught to be entertaining.

daniel schmitt

I'm really hoping that it turns out his new book is an exact copy of his old book. I can't think of any way this story should end other than Almando plagiarizing himself plagiarizing other people. The Almando season is almost as good as the Gena Marie season