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Oh hi





It's been a while since we've seen angry Logicked. Another banger


those ARE collar stays!


This whole thing makes me imagine God as a not too bright undergrad student at a programming school. He learned the basics, and now he wants to make his own project for extra credits, so he creates this sandbox environment for it to work inside. However, his code is buggy, so the first program he makes does all of his commands, but it's too basic, and he doesn't like its output. He makes a second copy in the sandbox, tweaks it, but they still don't work like he wants them to. Then, he goes online and searches for a solution, but instead he stumbles upon this algorithm called "survivalofthefitttest.lua" that makes lots of slightly modified iterations on a program, tests them, prunes the failures, and continues to iterate on the survivors. Forgetting about the bugfix he was searching for, he copies the code, renames it to "snake.exe" to avoid attribution, and wedges it into the sandbox, hoping that it would result in an interesting outcome that would net him even more extra credits. He runs the simulation for a while, but it doesn't make enough progress to his liking, so he decides to start from scratch by writing a quick and dirty executable called "flood.cmd", and resets everything outside of a handful of program-iterations he chose beforehand. At this point it's getting late, so he leaves the algorithm running overnight, but when he checks it in the morning, he realizes that he cocked it up by not properly setting the the parameter the algorithm is checking for "success". In a last ditch effort, he inserts a new custom program into the sandbox, a "Jesus patch" designed to modify these parameters, so now the algorithm has a clear goal, but by this point the whole system is too messed up, and so when he turns in his project to the assistant teacher, it's just a huge, self-contradicting mess that the faculty chooses to keep running as an example of what not to do.


The relation between God and Adam/Eve is not at all like the relation between husband and wife (or wife and husband, for that matter), where working out disagreements strengthens the bond. Their relation is actually that of a master and his slaves. The slaves must obey the master at all times. If they don't then there will be severe punishment. There are no "disagreements" to work out, there are only the wishes of the master and disobedience of the slaves in carrying them out. Nothing is "worked out". There is no "strengthening of the bond".


"Their relation is actually that of a master and his slaves." Right, so a Biblical marriage.


Koukl dodges questions like a 70s kung fu tv show master.


Love it. God is the master programmer. He writes a code that does exactly what he programmed and gets mad and smashes the computer. Real mature god...