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Oh, is it time for videos again?


Houston, SciManDan has a problem...



Is this what it's like when worlds collide?? I'm almost afraid to watch... 😅 SciManDan better not be Armored Skeptic in a mask!!


Hell yeah, logicked spam day 🎉


Afraid I can't finish the spamming today. The rest will be up tomorrow

Curtis Rogahn

Guess Dan made some mistakes in that video. He's pretty good at accepting that. Just don't find it important enough to find the video and correct him

Curtis Rogahn

I was being polite since I do enjoy Dan's channel. Possible he gets more wrong that I don't know, but for now it's just one video he half assed.


This is the first video of his I've watched all the way through, but if this is the level of care and investigation he puts in, I'd be shocked if this is the only instance of something similar.


The number of levels of indirectness is brainsplitting: - Logicked comments on a video by SciManDan - Who comments on a video by NightGod333 - Who comments on a TikTok video by apologeticience - Who points his phone camera at a TV screen, waves his hands around a lot - On the screen is a bit of ISS livestream video, isolated and modified by an unknown party - Based on an actual ISS livestream. And now I am commenting on Logicked's video ☹️😠😡


I think Logicked should pick up non-conspiracy theorists who set themselves up as experts (or at least knowledgeable) when they get it so wrong. It is a level playing field and mistakes or nonsense, especially so heinous with the sneering and all, should be picked up and commented on no matter who does it.


I also have enjoyed Dan's channel in the past, but I have noticed that a lot of his videos do include a lot of, as Logicked put it, just sneering - or at least very short, rote, milktoast responses, which I find myself wanting to tweak or elaborate on. Full discussions of *why* a certain conspiracy theorist is wrong take a lot more time, but are also much more interesting to listen to and watch. This is perhaps the inevitable result of having series about reacting to the same sort of stuff all the time, but it is unfortunate.

Curtis Rogahn

Yeah I mean, he is my least favorite of the debunk channels I watch. But he's also the only one who routinely handles the flat earth.


I thought it was pretty obvious that it was a city too... and I remembered which particular one it was from your previous video... (although I was too lazy to comment on it when Dan posted it... and, to be fair, if I didn't recognize it, I could imagine how a piece of foil lost from the ISS could end up looking like that if the lighting was right, and it ended up drifting in front of the camera... the video quality was pretty bad).


"Unidentified Flying Dragon"? Why was my first thought: "TROGDOR!" lol