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The worst apologetics book ever written? (ChristRighteous book review, Part 1)



I would like to think that it was my SPECIFIC donation that went towards buying this book. Makes it more amusing for me to feel like I was the one that took one for the team on this. XD


It would be hilarious if the people he looks up to so much that he plagiarized their work would hit him with a copyright lawsuit. Nah, who I am kidding? Even they wouldn't read this crap.


I think Logicked is doing a great job of addressing the content... but I do have a specific idea that might explain some of the typographical issues with this book. I have actually seen books that looked a lot like this... but not in a very long time. My guess is that the publisher is one of those where the author submits text, and possibly a cover picture, and the publisher "makes it into a book and publishes it for you", although not a very high end one. (It might be interesting to see if other books by that publisher look the same.) They may have chosen to double-space the text simply to meet their minimum page count for a book. And I'll bet the ISBN is from a boilerplate template, and is probably a place holder for a real ISBN that was never issued. And the odd text and bad page numbers are also easy to explain. My guess is that the text was originally submitted as just text, then inserted into a page layout program, where the font was changed, the spacing doubled, and the index created. If this was done carelessly, or in the wrong order it, would explain the odd text justification, the occasional hanging word at the beginning of a line, and the incorrect page numbering. (If you do these sorts of adjustments in the wrong order "things get bumped".)