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Here come videos! It's ChristRighteous month, apparently, not because he's worth it, but because it has to be done. I wasn't sure I was going to get everything done on time this month because both of these projects were much more time-consuming than I'm used to, but I did it, and I'm pretty happy with the results.


Laughing at CR’s dumb attack on my parenting and character (ft. Rags / 1)



I increased my monthly amount so you can afford more Spaghetti O's. (and to cover your increased alcohol consumption from over exposure to Elf Dawkins Logic)


It changed my name from Bullwinkle to my actual name?


Sorry about the SPAM trying to figure out how I screwed up my membership


I hope at least that it was you and not Patreon itself. Imagine if everyone on Patreon suddenly had their name exposed.


It appears it changed to my facebook page. Too stupid to figure out how to put it back to google


you can delete all this


Insert video of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock "keep my Childs name out of your MF mouth"

Carsten Koch

I loved this video. You two have a great dynamic together.


Omg i needed this. I was in a bad mood and not wanting to go to work and now I have laughed all the way there.


Also, this guy is a complete asshole for attacking you as a person and a parent rather than your arguments. He obviously has no actual rebuttal.


It's amazing to me the lack of self-awareness this kid has. He really doesn't see what a self-righteous asshole he comes off as. You should explain that to him, Logicked. But wait...you can't because he's too good to watch anything you put out. GEEZ!