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This one's even longer than the other two. Is this real life?


As yet untitled clump of cells re-response P3



He would probably mute him and accuse him of hate speech.


It is so odd that he seems to think he is proselytizing in that book he had and in his videos, but he hates people with other beliefs and wants to treat them like cockroaches. Maybe he just hates people who don't believe in a god. I wonder if he treats Hindus and Buddhists like cockroaches. Way back in the dark ages when I was a Christian, we were told to bring people to god out of love. I guess there was always the underlying thought that you didn't want to get to close to non-Christians, but we were never taught they were worthless. He thinks us not believing in a god means we have the same value as a cockroach. He doesn't seem to understand that he is acting according to his own beliefs, so it is his belief that we have no value if we don't share his religion.