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I wouldn't normally make something like this a charged post since it's not my usual content, but I won't have time to finish a debunk video before the end of the month due to unexpectedly becoming an Internet activist against the Singaporean government, and I spent most of my YouTube time this month on the channel upgrades you'll start seeing soon. So hopefully you're alright with me doing a charged post on this one and making one of my videos next month unpaid. If not, please feel free to decline. Thanks all!


17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity #FreeAmosYee

Not my usual kind of video, but this is more important than what I normally do. I spent most of my YouTube time this month getting some channel/production upgrades arranged (some of which will appear soon, others of which are behind-the-scenes and invisible). I had another video lined up but this one stole precedence.


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