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As yet untitled Zakir Naik video 4



You know, I'm just not feeling this video. Not because of you (the quality and the humor are great, as always), I'm just... I think I'm getting old. A couple of years ago, apologetics like this would've filled me with righteous indignation about how illogical, gullible, and victims of peer-pressure some people can be, and how there are people out there exploiting them either because they are also delusional, or because of cynical greed and need for attention, and then I would've gleamed a nice catharsis from you ripping their argument apart. Nowadays, I just feel tired of the whole topic. A decade or so ago, with YouTube atheism and skeptic channels on the rise, I had this boundless optimism about people finally using critical thinking and moving towards a better tomorrow, but then time passed, and things not only got worse, the majority outright applauded every falling step on the downward spiral as "progress". I wonder if it's just me, or it's something that happened to every single generation since the 60s...


There is a reason I took a break and did bird UFOs and sky amoebas for a while. I can't say I'm always interested either. I often am because I enjoy watching mental gymnastics, but sometimes it is just depressing, pointless and annoying. So I don't blame you. Also, I'm not sure what exact downward spiral you're referring to with the progress paragraph, but I definitely share the feeling of decline, about YT and the world in general. Maybe some pessimism is just part of growing up.