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Okay, so all the videos are coming tonight. I've had them sitting for a while, praying to God for some relief from the heat so I could film, but he ignored me, so now I still hate him. More explanation at the start of this video.


As yet untitled 119 Ministries video



I knew you just wanted to hate god. Why else would it be so hot?


I am starting to feel like that for most Christians the "Problem of Evil" genuinely just means "if there is a God why do bad things happen", not in the sense that it would be inconsistent with God's goodness, just that they don't like bad things and feel like God should fix it. It isn't really an "atheist argument" in that sense for them, more like a "doubting Christian argument".

daniel schmitt

Every time I watch an apologetics video I have a deep sense of embarrassment in myself for having sounded that dumb at one point in my life. It's almost like remembering the memories of a different person, because even though I lived it, I can't fathom how the gibberish theist speak ever sounded not insane to me. It did, but I cant remember how or understand how it did.

daniel schmitt

Why do they all say "even atheists admit that objective good and evil exist and it's not just personal preference." I'm not sure I've ever heard an atheist say that. And it's pretty obvious that good and evil are just words to express personal preferences, ones we tend to have strong feelings about, but still just personal preferences. Me saying something is good is exactly the same as me saying I like something.


Looks like I kids brainwashing video... Or it's just the condescending tone.


I feel like I have something useful to contribute to this video. About 4 years ago, my grandma died. She had the early stages of dementia for years, but it then progressed very quickly. In the matter of about 6 months, she went from living on her own to barely being able to function in a nursing home. It got to the point that she was suffering so much that she was begging doctors to just let her die. Unfortunately, she suffered for many more months after that. She was never religious. All growing up, I was told that god “loved everyone” and was always trying to protect and care for us. But after watching my grandma suffer and then get “cast into hell for not believing in Jesus”, I started questioning the existence of a god that could love people and yet make them suffer so much, not just during our lives, but all of eternity. This is what finally sent me down the path of seriously questioning my belief in god. I ended up finding Nonstampcollector, and then found channels like yours, Cosmic Skeptic, Paulogia, etc. These channels helped me critically think about my god belief, which eventually turned me atheist. TL:DR: The problem of evil made me seriously question my belief in the Christian god. This sent me down a path of questioning all of my beliefs and researching the god hypothesis, which eventually turned me atheist.


Certainly any argument can be the one that finally cracks the armour and starts someone questioning. But still, the problem of evil is not exactly an argument against god's existence, unless someone takes a very all-or-nothing view (all the omnis, including omnibenevolence, or no god at all).