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I made the deadline! How the fuck did I do that?!


FOURTEEN failed rapture predictions in 3 MONTHS (1 of 3: Predictions 1-4)



I don't pay you to make deadlines.




0:45 I knew the punchline all the way through but enjoyed the ride all the same


FEEDBACK: Hi Logicked, I really like the approach you took in this video (and here is why:). You don't argue with her but rather narrate her journey (in an ironic/clever/funny way). It's a bit like a documentary. You do criticize her but you don't talk to her directly. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy watching you argue with people, too. But there comes a point where the other person is so dumb or 'gone', so detached from reality, that arguing against them becomes super easy/obvious and therefore unimpressive, uninteresting and less entertaining for your viewers. There have been multiple times in your videos where you said something like "I kinda don't know what to do with this. (i.e. how to make this more entertaining or funnier than it is by itself)". I think that this documentary-style video solves those problems, because it allows you to just ironically "summarize" the other persons words until you get to a statement to comment on. Anyways, I really enjoyed this and would like to see you return to this format whenever 'direct arguing' begins to feel too absurd ;-) P.S. MauLer's voice was a very nice touch! :D


Thanks for the feedback. I was also quite pleased with how this turned out. I may do more similar things in the future.


Sweet rapture gold and there are three parts, this must mean something.