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More on purpose



Agreed! Stay safe♥️


Yes that is exactly right. Existence is absurd. You live in spite of there being no intrinsic reason to live, but that is the entire point. You can live for whatever you want to live for. You are not bound by some purpose set for you by some all-powerful transcendental entity. The world is your oyster, make of it what you will. The nonsense purpose he is talking about is the existential purpose, that is the purpose you create but forget it was you that created it. This is how existentialism loops right back around to religion. We created god, not the other way around. God is a concept created to make people that can't cope with a lack of inherent purpose feel safe/happy/less hopeless. We made god, at some point over the course of centuries forgot that we made god (either because we actually forgot or were brainwashed by people seeking power over others), then decided that god made us not the other way round. This cycle repeats every few thousand years and hey-presto suddenly we have civilizations throughout history all worshiping different gods that all seem to actually do the same thing "tell us what the fuck to do." I mean FFS we even have had a couple "new" religions pop up in modern times. Look here, if god was so fucking great and powerful and shaper of our destinies blah blah we would just KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, he exists because it would be no effort at all for the fucker to just present himself to us each individually any time we start doubting. That isn't the case. Therefore no god. You don't need god, god needs you.