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I'm excited about this move. More excited than I probably should be. I've been trying to restrain myself from making plans about how to use the massive boost in creative freedom it will bring. But what the hell, let's jump the gun a little. Here is my plan as it currently stands.

1. Filmed videos are coming back. Since the main issue was not having the space, peace, or mental bandwidth, purely because of our living situation, and since these issues will be (mostly) fixed, it seems reasonable to bring back filming four videos a month, regardless of nonsense like Patreon goals.

2. For years, I've been wishing for an environment that enables a proper workday - meaning, "goodbye family, I'm off to work", go through a door and be in a dedicated workspace. I've lacked that structure since I began working at home, and maybe I'm just over-sensitive to things like this, but I've found it extremely hard to deal with. Now, though, I can do this. This separation of work and life, and the ability to do uninterrupted work, gives me the freedom to do something else I've always wished I could do: Create a consistent schedule that I have some chance of sticking to. So here's what I'm thinking for a schedule.
Monday would be the planning day. I'd check in with Discord in the morning at a set time. Take people's video suggestions in chat, discuss why they're good or bad candidates for videos, create a short list. Then meet with the "Reptoid Council" tier patrons to watch them and possibly choose some to actually do. Voice chat for a bit with the 10s, and then finally chill in the VIP chat, maybe while I work on a project for the channel. I really like this idea because it would create more audience interaction and even collaboration, while also probably leading to more variety in my content.
Through the rest of the week (Tuesday-Friday), I'd work on getting the actual video done, including the voice chat with the 15s while I record audio.
I'd like to use Saturday, or at least some Saturdays, as a development day - working on stuff for the channel that isn't videos.
This would allow for a weekly upload schedule - say, Monday for patrons, Wednesday for email list, and Thursday for public premiere.
Somewhere in between all that I'd squeeze in the monthly exclusive video.

All these years I've wished I could do better for everyone, and I think this would ultimately make everything much better for everyone, myself included. More consistency in video timeframes for patrons, somewhat more videos overall and more involvement of the viewers, and a consistent publish date which would probably help me algorithmically speaking. I feel like I've been trapped in a tiny cage for years, and now I can finally get out and stretch my legs. Might as well try to make the most of it.



I think you're right to be excited. When I lived in a town I felt so much tension in my muscles that it was like being under water. When I moved to a rural location 10 years ago it felt literally like a huge weight had been lifted off me. The relief from being away from crowds never goes away and it makes a huge difference to what I can accomplish. I hope you don't feel too compelled to keep to a tight schedule. I'm happy to wait until you find something inspiring that you feel passionate about so that you can keep turning out work like "5 Reasons You're Going To Hell." (That one requires a health and safety warning. I was up a ladder at the time and I nearly fell off from laughing uncontrollably.) If the omnipotent algorithm requires a regular video then maybe you could do a live stream and rant about the days events so you can pour your main effort into your favourite subjects. Whatever you and the Reptoid Council decide I know it'll be amazing. Maybe I'll join when I pay off some of my Visa bill.


Super stoked!




All I ask is that you don't push yourself too hard, don't get discouraged at any setbacks, and know that you have a BUNCH of people that care and appreciate what you do. Speaking as one of them, we will wait and look forward to each new video with eagerness, but patience. I know I haven't been as vocal on the Discord as I used to be, but I definitely do still pay attention and try to give me input when I'm able to do so.


It's great that you're setting up a routine and a schedule. It will make making videos easier to focus on because you have a time table. Keep adding to your schedule and making changes as you experience your new environment. You'll have more time for more things as you get into your pattern of activities.


Thanks for this message. What you describe is exactly the feeling I have in the city. "Tension in my muscles like being underwater". It's interesting to know that other people have a similar problem with it.