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I can't decide if I want to publish this. I made it yesterday after a comment from someone got me thinking about my decisions and the reasons for them. I mainly wanted to get these thoughts out into the microphone, not necessarily make them public, but I do think it might be worthwhile to explain the past couple years from my perspective and why lately I haven't been filming, and to point out that I'm not necessarily against starting filming again right away if that's truly what most people want. Not sure if I was clear enough or if it comes off as an incoherent ramble. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter, because I think my feelings on this matter are sort of incoherent anyway. Be that as it may, they're still what's in my head. Any opinions on it are welcome, I guess.




I’ll put in my 2 cents. I’ve been watching you for maybe 5 years. Probably started around the time Skeptic started his channel. Most of the time I just listen to the content. I would listen while working and have my phone flipped over so no one could see I was “watching” YouTube videos. The filming was interesting but was not a show stopper for me. I think your goal is to do 3 videos a month maybe pick 1 that would be most improved by filming and do that one and leave the others to voice over. To improve finances break your videos into 10 minute segments. That seems to be the sweet spot for ad revenue and it makes a video easier to consume. I’ll get around 11pm at night and I’m trying to decide between going to bed and watching a video. A 30 minute debunk doesn’t work do instead I watch 4 10 minute videos about some other nonsense because I get into the YouTube rabbit hole and watch 1 more short video. A regular schedule with videos in smaller sections. Part 1 Monday, part 2 Thursday or something like that. Patrons get the entire video before that. It’s our perk. I generally watch on YouTube because it keeps your videos in my suggestions. If I don’t watch right away on Patreon I forget and YouTube doesn’t remind me. Just some thoughts.


I mostly agree with this. While I like your filmed videos, for me personally it doesn't subtract a lot if you don't film, because I usually play your videos in the background -- maybe on a second monitor -- while I do something else. If it really is such a time sink for you, I think you'd be better off investing that time elsewhere. Consider filming if you have something visually interesting to convey that wouldn't work with your cartoon. I'm thinking for example that time (I forget which video it was) when you gave an exaggerated smile under your mask in response to someone who didn't seem human, or something like that. Regarding Dan's point about video length, I think an advantage of more frequent shorter videos spread evenly throughout the month is that it would keep you in people's minds. It often happens to me that it gets to the fourth week of the month, when the Patreon emails start coming in (you're the only one I support) that I go "oh right, Logicked still exists!" I understand if you're hesitant to do that, because you'd probably have to restructure your Patreon rewards, but I really think you should consider it.


While i really enjoy your filmed videos in general, your videos - at least for me - are about the content, arguments and humor you actually convey. At the end of the day, its more important to be comfortable in your videos and be able to go with what you feel. The videos where you are motivated and invested are much more enjoyable to listen to, with or without filming. And while it is absolutely appreciated when you do all the extra work to bring the body language on top of that, we (or at least I) won't stop supporting you just because we can't see you mime. Favorably, I would like it if you just went with what makes the most sense to you in any given video. If you believe a video would get more entertaining by filming it and you have the time, go for it. Otherwise, don't stress yourself about it, we will enjoy it regardless. Hope you found this helpful, stay awesome and safe (and to your family as well of course) .


I posted my response on the video itself, but the TL;DR is that, while I wouldn't want to see it disappear ENTIRELY from now on, I also don't see a need to force it into every video. I say film if it's an "important" video to you and/or you feel like filming would greatly improve the presentation and/or entertainment value. Hope that helps!


I mostly listen, so I'd prefer the format that you're just comfortable with and allows you do work as efficiently as possible.


For me the important thing is the content rather than the format. I always look forward to your videos and if you film yourself that's a bonus but I'll be happy either way. Do what suits your mood and circumstances at the time. Thanks for your output.


For me content is far more important. The filmed vids are fun sometimes but. It needed. Maybe do them only when you feel the video warrants it or you feel like doing it.


I do prefer the filmed videos but yea, content matters more. Not the question you're asking but I wanted to say I enjoy the side storylines about your true demon nature. (devil? The universe's missing dark matter? what are you exactly?). It shouldn't be the focus of the video but they're an amusing 30 second intro/outro bit.


I agree with the previous comments. Content is why I am here. Filmed ones are cool but only if they add something and are worth the extra effort. Most of the time I only listen anyway.


I like the costume and character; I probably would not have checked you out without it. I do really like the filmed parts but think it's totally fine if you only use it for certain videos or maybe one video a month or so. For certain types of topics maybe? As for the still avatars, I think they're fine but some more variety would be good. Maybe call for some more fan-art (with like 3-5 expressions per avatar submitted so you can spice up editing when/if you feel it's appropriate, but nothing too crazy). Then you could just rotate through the ones you have to keep the image interesting and feature the artists. Anyway still love the content. Also if you don't agree with my great and most best ideas then you're wrong and I hate you and I'm calling the police.


Shorter videos are fine but if it's a multi-part on the same subject sometimes it can be a little difficult to keep track, it just depends.


If 10 minute videos is the most efficient algorithmically, it is completely understandable to try to make more money off his work. At least for me, I would also RATHER consume 10 minute videos than 1 hour long videos. It'd be the same content but I could split it up with other channels in my Watch Later to keep things interesting.


I like your filmed videos but they're not significantly more enjoyable than the animated ones. You could do a filmed video every now and then if it might improve the particular argument or video, but no need to do it for every single release.


For what it's worth , as long as the content stays high quality It doesn't matter to me if its pantyhose man or not. I'm here for good arguments and education, not flappy hu-man gestures.