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Hi all - My next video (currently upgraded to a 2-parter) is an absolute timesink. I've been spending my time giving myself a crash course on astrophotography principles just to make sure I get the responses right, and I've changed several of my responses several times as I learned more, editing the script each time. Not to mention searching for moon craters, calculating the angular size of birds, trying to simulate chromatic aberration (ultimately pointlessly), and writing probably 20,000 words in the process of getting to my currently very fragmented, but far more correct, 10,000. Having spent so much more than my allotted time on this, there's no way I'm getting the video up here this month, but if I wait until next month to charge it, it'll make my Patreon payouts heavily unbalanced. So I hope you don't mind if I charge it now, and deliver it a few days from now.




Fine by me. Keep up the good work!


Ok, just this once. And only because the Suris colab was amazing. Seriously though, I'm much happier with an awesome vid that takes extra time than a rushed product.


It's all good L. Loved that colab!


That's fine, We'll just watch some other videos don't worry about us. **Single tear**


That's good, February is a short month, totally got you on this.


No worries! Happy to help. :)


No problem Keep up the good work! Back to my favorite Kent Hovind series.


Looking forward to it, but don't feel rushed. I'd rather it take a little longer and you're content with it. Whatever is coming up, I'm certain it will help me as I battling my own deadlines. XD


Ahh, explains why I got charged for Feb. I knew you hadn't put out any videos


(...for the majority of the month, and was wondering if you snuck them in at the end of said month, which was seemingly the case) I usually use the method of checking here every week or two to see if you've posted anything, and was thinking it rather weird the month was almost over and you hadn't posted anything