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Hi everyone! I took a few days off to get my shit together and now I'm getting back to it. To my new patrons, thank you very much. I appreciate it a lot that you like my stuff enough to do that. But don't feel like you have to stick around just because I felt a little down one day. I just need to adjust my perspective, and I'm working on that. And to that one person who joined my joke "$89 instead of $129" tier: That's incredibly generous, but if you were hoping I'd actually go back in time to learn your future, it's not going to happen!



I’m not sticking around cause you where feeling down I’m sticking around cause I love you content!! Glad to hear that your doing better though

Kris Hewitt

Logicked you make excellent stuff. You're smart and eloquent. You strike me as someone that could rip apart any argument. On that note, I'd love to see you branch out and cover a wider variety of topics, and I think a lot of your fans would as well! Covering things that are more 'relevant and current' would also bring a lot of new people to your channel. You're awesome man, get out there and get some exposure and you'll have new subscribers abound. Personally I think you're only struggling at all because you locked in to a small niche. Take a look at the amazing athiest for example, and the wide variety of topics he covers. Best of luck!


I heard a lot of myself in your car recording. Thank you for not trying to put on a happy face. That shit hurts to do.


I look forward to your future videos. Take care of yourself.


Burn out is a pain. Maybe you should consider tearing apart Depak Chopra for a change. That dude seems to have gone way off the deep end!


Dammit Logicked, I need to know my future, so take my money!


Sounds like you got your groove back! Can't wait for the next one.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're one of the most sincere and genuine Youtubers I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Even when you're doing schtick, it's clear that you care about what you're doing. As long as I'm able to do so, it is my pleasure to be a part of that. You take the time you need to keep your spark going. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, I'm in it for the long haul.


Word of advice to the $89 guy: It's a complete sham. Just make sure you have KY on your nightstand with a note that reads, "please use this Nememiah."


Welcome back, Padre. Don't forget to cross your legs when you pee so the bathroom djinn can't steal your deals.