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I figure I'll let you know since I want to be transparent. Last month I put a ton of work into my NoClash videos, and after publishing them, they're my worst-performing videos in ages in terms of view count, and my views aren't generally great as it is. That alongside a couple other issues has got me feeling pretty burned out. Uninspired, demotivated, kind of a mental block. So instead of my usual three or four videos per month, by the end of this month I plan to get two videos up here: My final NoClash video (the part 2), and Hovind 12. Next month I'll bring it back up to normal. But this is why I have it set to per-video.



I think the other patrons covered it well. I too love watching you just make mince meat of stupid harmful people and thier beliefs. While maybe viewership was down I'll go out on a limb and say you probably did t lose many of any of us patrons. We love you! I don't expect to like every single thing you put out. But I'm still a huge fan regardless and this patron ain't going nowhere.


I think another Kent Hovind will probably boost them views.


You do what you need to do, man. I'm here for the long haul.


I liked them NoClash videos. keep`'em coming


I too watched the No Clash videos.


I loved the content the production value was great. My thoughts are that there is less viewing in the summer esspecially in July. I have less down time since people like me get to see the sun. Should mention I live in MN 3 months of sun, or so it seems. I've raised my donations this month just because. Mental blocks hit us all, it's expected. So stop ya belly aching thangs always gwt bedder, Ya dern tootin.


Too bad the No-Clash videos aren't really working out, I found their blatantly absurd interpretations of the Quran a breath of fresh air. But you do what you've got to do man. Keep making videos and I'll keep watching them!


Shut up and keep taking my money.


This makes me have a question because i don't know how it works. Since I've become a patreon I've pretty much stopped watching your videos on youtube because they come up here a couple days early. My question is do you miss out on ad dollars because of this? I don't want you to lose money or have your numbers thrown off just because I (and probably alot of others) want to watch your videos a couple days early. The reason I think of this is because i really liked the no clash videos and it makes me a little upset that they aren't doing well and i figure hey every little bit helps. Anyways thanks for all you great videos and keep it up!


The Patreon viewers aren't enough to sway the ad revenue. I'm honestly not sure if unlisted views impact me in the algorithm. I suspect not too much.


maby if you added a music back ground lots of beats on soundcloud some free some free with stamps some very cheap