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I'm publishing this one right away because I want my opinion on this out there right away. Hopefully everyone is alright with that - Not gonna be a regular thing. By the way, I've got a new Hovind video filmed so that'll be up for you soon.


Re: Amos Yee on Pedophilia

I meant to do one last video on Amos Yee after he was released, and this gave me a good reason. This is a lot different from usual, so I hope you’ll indulge my venting just this once. Hopefully you find something of value in it so it's more than just catharsis for me. Thanks for listening as I close the lid on this issue for good. For the first time maybe ever, I’m not linking the original video. You can find it easily yourself if you want to.



come JOIN us at facebook page : ANTI AMOS YEE........a community is growing and planning to bring this little shit down


So this guy is a troll, hmmm welp he had his time in the sun came and went.


Seems like he's a Milo wannabe. Dude can say whatever he wants, but I don't have to agree with him, nor do I even have to listen. So thanks Logicked for letting me know not to waste my time on him.