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Canada might repeal its blasphemy law

So there’s some good news. Summary: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/cuol-mgnl/c51.html Charter Statement: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/charter-charte/c51.html Q&A: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/cuol-mgnl/qa2-qr2.html Full text of the bill: http://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/C-51/first-reading



Second mic was better in comparison to the first in this video. The changed settings seemed to work.


Hey Logicked. I contacted you on twitter about this too, but i would like to help you set up a audio loop to crisp up your audio. I use it on my own audio and it makes a whole lot of difference, regardless of what mic you use. if you are interested, i'd be happy to make a vid for you to follow or to walk you trough the process step by step:)


The last bit with the new mic reworked sounded pretty good. Deepened your voice a bit, but not so it sounded fake. No lithp detected either.