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Just realized I should post this here in case anyone missed it. It wasn't long enough so I didn't film it and won't charge it here but maybe some of you keep track of my videos through Patreon notifications.


HATE Your Family for Jesus!

Jesus wants you to make a better afterlife for yourself by hating your family. He's referring to Luke 14:26, by the way.



I appreciate you posting this here, Logicked. I don't have enough digits to count my subscriptions... Even if I take my socks off, so I often miss some things although this one didn't come up in my subscriptions. I liked this one more than usual, thanks for your content/thoughts.


Likewise, appreciate you post everything here so I can stay in touch.


God works at Best Buy?! Maybe that's why they're always wanting to upsell you on their extended warranty plans...


Posted to youtube before patreon? #PayToLose


I think that is the Evil Ash from army of the dead, which got somehow resurrected again