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About yesterday's post (Drawing from an AI ref)

  • Let's see Mona done 57
  • Scrap it 5
  • 2023-12-16
  • —2023-12-19
  • 62 votes
{'title': "About yesterday's post (Drawing from an AI ref)", 'choices': [{'text': "Let's see Mona done", 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Scrap it', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 19, 19, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 16, 18, 33, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 62}


Hey guys!

I'm just making a little poll to see what you guys think about my latest project!

Basically, for those who don't know, I stumbled across AI pics on R34. I thought it would be a good idea to make a few of them my own way (by biscally just drawing it myself using them as refs), but maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all...

I don't think I'll do another one of them, but since I started working on one of them, maybe you guys want to see it done? Or maybe you'd like me to scrap that one? You guys can choose.

Appologies if I offended anybody by doing this btw, that wasn't the intention!

I'll let the poll run for a few days, just so everyone can vote. Thanks again!



i think using ai to just quickly make images for memes or w/e is fine. using it as a base for a drawing as something to add to is also an interesting use, as it can serve as a muse of sorts to give you inspiration for new ideas some of the porn i've seen can look okay (even the feet stuff, at least when the ai doesn't render more/less than the normal amount of toes or make weird hand/foot abominations) but there's no way it's replacing human-made art any time soon; the bing dall-e thing comes very close though but it's still very limited


You can choose to do what you want with it, since your not doing what frauds are doing but I still say againist it for the simplest reasons Why give something like this anything, its not wasted It existing by itself is a waste to anything art stands for Also pose/idea reference can come from anything due to human inspiration, you don't need Ai for that Its not really getting back at them since its giving them attention in a way Rather let it die and rot alone Shouldn't give something like this a foothold hell even step


I think AI is it's own thing, and shouldn't be mistaken with human art The main problem comes from there for me


Forgot to answer your point! Just taking the time to because I think that what you said is very interesting! Well I don't hate AI (I'm not in love with it either tho), and I think that's why I kinda see this as a waste. I felt like making something better out of it! Art is about creativity, and making something out of something else for me, so I guess it still applies in that case I agree that poses and ideas don't have to come from AI, I can do just fine without it! I just stumbled across it, and had an idea seeing it! It's the same process as what I usually go for, the only difference would be where it came from this time I don't think it'll die any soon unfortunately, but like I told you, I agree that it shouldn't be on the same level as Art. I'm cool with it as long as it doesn't pretend to be what it's not! I just thought it would inspire people to make something better out of it, art is about having fun most of all! But thanks again for your take buddy, I appreciate it!