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Just a quick update on that one (and a bit of spoilers)

I'm finally trying Pixel Art on Photoshop, which has some goods and some bads to it.

I still don't know if I'm liking it or not (in terms of workflow mostly), since I don't seem to find a replacement for one of the best tools in Paint.net when it comes to pixel art. I'll still try to improve myself, but I don't seem to have gain either time or quality yet. 

I'll probably explain what happened during the process when I post the PSD file. Anyway, she's comming soon! 




it is looking amazing so far :)


mother of god this is the best art I've seen from you so far, I think photoshop works... if you can manage the workflow, this is really good :))


Hahahaha thank you very much 😎😎 Well I still had to use paint for the line, and other few things but the quality definitely didn’t decrease, so I guess it works for now. We’ll see how it goes!