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"Ying, Shen Qing, let's find a place to hide first!"

"Huh? Oh, okay"

The two people also finally realised that we needed to hide. This was so embarrassing. We actually needed the silly Fei Fei to remind us what to do.

After a brief discussion, we decided to hide in Shen Qing's home in the game.

Han Yaqian had been to my house before, so it was not a good idea to hide in my house.


I sat on my bed with Shen Qing and Ying, and the door was tightly sealed. At least this would give us some sense of security.

As time passed, the sky gradually became dark.

In the evening, the rain began to fall. The raindrops fell on the windows and made a pattering sound. This was the fourth time I had seen this rain. After leaving the game, I may have a psychological shadow on the rain for some time.

Fei Fei were patrolling around the house for us. After all, apart from me, no one could see her. Even if Han Yaqian was an awakened AI, she still couldn’t see her.

But what made me worried was how Han Yaqian acted after seeing Ying.

What did she mean by ‘absorb’...

As soon as we solved the old puzzle, a new puzzle appeared. Too many puzzles made my head hurt. But right now, how to resist Han Yaqian was the most important thing.

"Did you contact the programmer?”

"No, I can’t establish the connection!"

"Then how do we leave the game?"

"Using the method we used the last time. The programmer has been monitoring the game since we entered the game, so he must have discovered that something is wrong. Let's wait for him to contact us!"

The 'last method' mentioned by Shen Qing was the method we used to leave the game "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms".

But we still didn’t know the location of the 'gate' yet, so we must keep hiding.

"Damn it, if I knew this task would be so dangerous, I definitely would not enter this game." I complained.

"Stop complaining, all tasks are dangerous."

"Then why didn't you tell me? ‘The Story Of Cherry Blossoms’ wasn't the only game that would prevent players from leaving the game, right? Why didn't you tell me if it was so dangerous?"

"Are you afraid of danger now? Who was the one that was excited to enter this game? To be honest, not every task is so dangerous, and the degree of danger of this task is indeed beyond our estimation. Indeed, there are more than just one game that would prevent players from leaving the game, but normally, dangerous tasks would be carried out by the elite members of the organization, such as the boss himself."

"Even Su You will be at a disadvantage when facing enemies like Han Yaqian, right?"

"Don't jump to conclusions. You haven't seen how he plays the game. Every one of the first few players in 'Brawl Fighting Arena' is a terrible monster. But the boss can always defeat them, it is more than enough to prove his strength.”

When it came to Su You, Shen Qing's attitude had obviously changed. Of course, Su You was also my idol. I understood what she said.

It was just that when facing this kind of AI enemy that could be said to be beyond the norm, could Su You also defeat it?

The time waiting for the danger to come was very difficult, Shen Qing and I could only stare at the door and window of the house closely.

Even Ying, who didn't understand death and fear of death, was much quieter at this moment.

"She is coming!"

Then Fei Fei walked in through the wall, bringing us this bad news.

"Get ready."

The three of us were certainly not unprepared at the moment. We picked up the bat and crowbar, and looked at the bedroom door in front of us nervously.


First, there was a rhythmic knocking sound from the gate.


A loud noise meant that the outer door was broken open.

Now that the outer door had been opened, the thin wooden door inside would never be able to hold it. It was very likely to be knocked away in one blow.


It didn't take long before Han Yaqian found the room we were in.

She penetrated the wooden door using.

"Get ready! Go!"

The moment she broke open the door and entered the room, we pushed the wardrobe that had been tilted, and the wardrobe fell straight towards her!


Han Yaqian didn't seem to be flustered. At this moment, she was different from before, with no expression on her face. If I had to describe it- she was like those dedicated AIs that were written specifically to perform certain tasks and were not equipped with emotional algorithms.


The wardrobe filled with things slammed heavily on her body. Han Yaqian was suddenly pressed under the wardrobe. From our perspective, we could only see one of her hands weakly protruding from under the closet.


"It's not safe here anymore. Let’s get out of here from the window first."

I didn't think a wardrobe would trap her. We just wanted to use it to create a chance to escape.

Fortunately, the room we were in was located on the first floor. But as we left through the window, the wardrobe suddenly trembled.

Then what I saw was that the wardrobe was lifted a little bit.

She even had the power that could lift such a heavy object... This was something that we would not be able to compete at all.


There was no time to hesitate, we hurriedly ran towards the street outside.


The city was not very big, but the range of activities was still a hundred miles. Since she could find Shen Qing's home so quickly, it meant that she knew where everyone lived.

"The programmer has contacted me! He said that the problem this time is a bit troublesome, so we need to buy another 30 minutes time!"

"30 minutes?! We will be killed in less than 3 minutes!"

If it weren't for Fei Fei to help us, we really didn't know how to escape Han Yaqian's chase.

"We definitely can't go to school, the only place we can probably go at this time is the Lin family’s house."

Since the time had been reversed to before I was kicked out of the house by Lin Liyu, it meant that I could still get into Lin Liyu’s house. Although taking Ying and Shen Qing to her house was a bit abrupt, Lin Liyu definitely had no reason to block me outside her house.

In the heavy rain, we ran all the way to Lin Liyu's door.

Being visited by three classmates on a rainy evening, Lin Liyu would definitely be very confused, right?

I rang the doorbell, feeling very nervous.

After a while, the doorman's voice came from the intercom. I explained my intentions truthfully, and after a while, Lin Liyu really let us in.

"Huh? Is there something wrong? Why did you come to see me at such a late night?"

Lin Liyu, dressed in clean home clothes, looked at the three of us who were soaking wet in confusion.

"Um... I got kicked out of my house because I watched something I shouldn’t watch. I, I have nowhere to go, so I can only come here." If I told her that we were being chased by a murduer, she definitely would not believe it. So I just made up some random lies.

"Is, is that so..."

She was taken aback, and then looked at the other two people.


Shen Qing kept her answer very short.

"Me... Me too!"

Ying yelled out with a blushing face. Obviously, she was not shy at all when she was sleeping naked in my bed...

Although Lin Liyu was full of disbelief, she still led us into the living room.

"Then, you can rest here for a while. I will ask the servant to prepare the beds and clothes for you, and I will be back soon."

"Thank you so much!"

If Ms. Han found us here, there definitely would be a fierce battle. At that time, she would probably be dragged into the fight… Thinking of this, I felt very guilty.

"Fei Fei, please help us to monitor the movement in the surroundings."


Fei Fei was very obedient at this time. She nodded and left the room.


After 10 minutes of silence in the living room, Lin Liyu still hadn’t come back. All of us started to get worried.

"10 minutes have passed….”

"Why hasn't Lin Liyu come back..."

It was so quiet outside. Apart from the sound of rain fall, there were no other noises at all. This was so strange. Something wasn’t right.

The current situation reminded me of an assassination game I played before. The player of the game would need to sneak into the house by killing all guards…

"This is bad!"

Lin Fei Fei yelled and rushed in!

"She's here!"

How could she find us so quickly? !

We couldn't stay here anymore. We rushed out of the room together.

"Eh? I just made the tea, where are you going..."

The servant followed Lin Liyu with the tea, and Lin Liyu had changed into a new dress...

"It's very dangerous here! Hurry up and hide!"

"What danger..."

Of course she couldn't understand what I was saying, but I didn't have time to explain it to her.

When I ran out of the main house, what I saw was...

Han Yaqian walked towards us alone in the heavy rain, the knife in her hand was still reflecting the bright light, and there were corpses scattered on the ground behind her.

"Target… spotted..."

The sound of her voice being disturbed by the rain, and I could only vaguely hear what she was saying.

I knew that the target she said was not me, but Ying.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to Ying?"

The only one who could protect Ying now was me. We stepped back in the other direction outside the house, trying to figure out why she wanted to target Ying.

Maybe figuring out this problem would help us figure out a way to deal with her.


She did not speak, making me feel very strange. She didn’t act like an intelligent AI. Could it be… I thought for a second and asked.

"Are you an AI? Who gave you the order?"


It seemed that I could not communicate with her.


At present, she seemed to be afraid of the other NPCs here, so she didn't act immediately. Once she found out that we were alone and helpless, she would definitely attack. So we had to find a way to escape while we still had a chance.

"Fei Fei, have you found the exit?"

"No… You can only go out through the front door."

I didn't expect Fei Fei, who has always been silly, to be so reliable at this time. If I knew I would definitely bring her a few more cakes.

"Threat level: low. "

Han Yaqian opened her mouth suddenly.

Hearing what she said, I suddenly had a bad feeling.

She didn't say much, and ran towards us with the knife!


I knew her target was Ying, so I shouted at Ying the first time.

Ying reacted instantly, and we turned around and ran towards the back of the house.

"Think of a way! Shen Qing!"

"What can I do?! There are only a few minutes left! Just try to hold on a few more minutes."

It was easier to say it. Han Yaqian's speed was unusually fast, as if she had some kind of physical improvement technique. Combined with the strange strength she had shown before, she was not like an ordinary human at all.

As ordinary people in this game, it was impossible for us to outrun such a monster, and we were caught up by her within a few seconds.

She raised her hand and pointed the knife outward, about to pierce Ying's back!


I jumped toward Ying, trying to protect her.


Ying turned her head and looked at us in horror.

Han Yaqian did not hesitate, her knife pierced my back again for the third time. The pain hit my nerves and made me scream.



In Shen Qing's scream, I saw the long-awaited 'gate'. It was a black hole tearing open the space, appearing not far from us.

"We, we can’t make it!"

I endured the pain while trying my best to speak to Shen Qing.

"Just ignore Han Yaqian, and try harder!"

It was easier to say, I had already tried my best, but I still didn't have the strength to run.

"Don't, don't hurt them!"

Lin Fei Fei seemed to want to help us very much. She wanted to stop Ms. Han, but her hand passed through Ms. Han's arm again and again.

Shen Qing and Ying were also trying their best to suppress Ms. Han, but even so, we still couldn't completely control her. Not to mention I was still bleeding.

"It's useless……"

"No… No! I don’t want to see anyone being killed again! I don’t want anyone to get hurt! Moreover, he also promised me that he will give me a lot of cakes." Fei Fei said loudly.

Have I said anything like that? I was confused.

But more importantly, did she just say that she didn’t want to see anyone being killed again?

Was she also an Awakened AI?

"Do you have strange... memories..." I asked weakly.

"Yes! I can always recall some strange memories recently, things that have never happened, but they seem to have happened before! I don’t know why."

This idiot...

"Hehe... listen... you can definitely beat her... believe in yourself... you are... the strongest... in this... game..."

I felt that I had lost too much blood and was about to faint. I didn't know if my voice could reach her ears, but now my only hope was her.

If I guessed correctly, she must have a vague sense of consciousness.

It was just that she hadn't realized it yet, and hadn't even taken time to think about why she was a ghost… And why she had those memories.

If I could make her aware of this, maybe we could defeat Han Yaqian and retreat.

"You leave first..."

I tried my best to shout at Shen Qing and Ying.

"But… But you..."

Ying definitely would not want to leave without me. Otherwise, she would not hold my hand at the last moment in "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms" last time.

"Lin Fei Fei… you can help us! You can do it!....”

I felt like my eyes were getting more and more blurry.


Lin Fei Fei hugged her head with both hands, and her silver pigtails swayed with the movement of her head.

"Yes, you can help us!"

Shen Qing seemed to understand who I was talking to, and eagerly spoke in the direction I was speaking.

"I...I want to protect everyone! Yes, I can protect everyone!"

She suddenly raised her head.

And suddenly, something started to change.

The clouds dissipated and the rain stopped.




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