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Chapter 8 This is not a dating sim P1

"If you want me to take you to the police station, it's not impossible. Give me 20 pieces of cake, then I will do it."

"You might as well rob me if you want 20 pieces of cake."

"Huh!.... Then 15! The police station is so far away from here, I will be very tired. So at least 15!"

"You are a ghost, how can you possibly feel tired?"

"I'm already very tired just to find you. But now you want me to take you to the police station! And you don’t even want to give me 15 pieces of cake! You are such a terrible person!"

She jumped onto the toilet seat as she said. Because only then could she hit my head...

Although this level of pain was nothing to me, her fists really affected my thinking.

But it was easy to deal with her. I stretched out my hand and pulled her braid 'gently', and she immediately surrendered.

"Ow, ow! Don't! It hurts!"

"One last question, how did you find me?"

"I... I think you live here, so I came here."

"In other words, you know exactly where I live?"

Time was running out. In order to be more efficient, I chose to go straight to the problem.

"It seems like this..."

"Why do you know where my home is? There are hundreds of buildings here, and each building has dozens of flats. I don't remember that I’ve told you my address before..."

She suddenly closed her eyes...

"Why do you suddenly ask me this. I...I just... just know this!"

"C’mon, tell me the reason..."


Her hands gripped her hair tightly and made a trembling sound. She was in a frantic state and seemed unable to hear anything.

Speaking of which I had been in the bathroom for too long, I wonder what Ms. Han was doing outside.

To avoid disturbing her, I gently opened the bathroom door and returned to the bedroom.

But the strange thing was that it was pitch black in the bedroom from a distance.

Did Ms. Han finally fall asleep? It would be great if she fell asleep, but the clues just now gave me a bad feeling...

I wondered, hoping that the bad hunch I just had was not true.

In the silent darkness, time seemed to have frozen.

The thunder and lightning outside had stopped, and the rain was now much smaller, and it seemed to be about to stop.

I quietly groped into the bedroom and walked in the direction of the bed.

Then there was a little light outside the window, and I looked at the single bed--

The bed was empty.

Where did she go? Did she go to the toilet?

That was impossible, I just left the toilet.

Then all of sudden, I did not expect that there would be a tingling pain in my back at this time, as if something cold and sharp pierced my abdomen from behind!

The sharp object twisted twice in the user's hand, causing my body to tremble violently, and my breathing almost stopped.

I knelt down on the ground with my hands pressing the ground. I turned my head in the dark with difficulty.

Who... who was it...  With such strength and angle… It was mostly likely….


It was a woman's laughter. She who was still talking softly and lovingly to me earlier, was now smiling weirdly in the dark.

"If I just stabbed you there, you can live for dozens more minutes."

The pain of the cold blade sliding between flesh and blood made me unable to say anything. Even if it was a VR game with the sensation weakened, the pain was still beyond my tolerance.

"Next, it's the best time!"

She leaned her head over and spoke softly, exhaling warm breath between my earlobes and neck.


I never thought that she would treat me like this. Even if Han Yaqian's behavior and words were suspicious, she shouldn't be… Unless she was...

"Rainy night... Murderer..."

"Yes, that’s me right. The Rainy Night Murderer that you have been worried about is me. I didn’t expect that you can be fooled easily. You are really a gullible person.”


I tried hard to ask the answer I wanted to know.

"Mhm- As a teacher, answering questions for students is reasonable! Let me tell you! Ah, wait a moment. I suddenly thought that it seems more important to guide students to think independently."


"You have to find out this answer yourself. By the way, if you can't do it by yourself, how about getting a friend to help you? You must have a lot of friends, right?”


"You have to find out this answer yourself. By the way, if you can't do it by yourself, how about getting a friend to help you? You must have a lot of friends, right?”

Sadly, she was wrong, I was just a lonely otaku in the real world, and I didn’t have any friends at all.

But now was not the time to complain about this. Instead of being tortured here, I should get out of this game as soon as possible.

"Although you will never see your friends like Lin again." Ms. Han continued.

“As I expected, you really...”

"Mhm, I killed her. The girl who had a broken heart could drop her guard really easily. When she met a female teacher, she naturally would not suspect anything. Student Shi really helped me a lot .”

This explained why Lin Liyu's name disappeared...

"Hey! Are you okay!"

At this moment, Lin Fei Fei finally found out about my situation.

She paced around me anxiously, trying to reach out her hand to cover my wound from time to time. But my wound was too deep, it was useless to block it with her hands.

"...No need… It’s useless..." I waved, trying to stop her.

"Are you starting to have hallucinations now? You are actually talking to yourself." Ms. Han seemed surprised.

"How can… No! You can't die! Who will bring me cake if you die!" Lin Fei Fei’s eyes teared up.

"No… I won’t die, it will be fine..." I said weakly.

"How are you fine?! Wuwu… No, I don't want you to die! I will save you! Wuwu..."

How could she save me if she couldn’t even touch me...

Up until now, the only thing I could do was to go offline.

I didn't expect this game to be so dangerous.

Generally speaking, because VR games directly affect the transmission of neural signals to provide real scenes, it was easy for players to confuse reality or even gave birth to the illusion that they were really hurt. Therefore, they were not allowed to set pain or other feelings close to reality. Even games that could simulate real damages had strict age restrictions and player agreements...

The fact that I was fatally injured in a frightened state was enough to sue this game developer.

"Oh right I...I can reverse the time!"


I suddenly forgot the pain on my body and looked at Fei Fei in confusion.

What kind of skill was ‘reverse the time’? A magic?

"Do you want to be saved? Tell me if you want to be saved!"

She grabbed my arm eagerly.

"What kind of question is this…. Of course..." I answered intermittently.

Although Fei Fei's performance shocked me, it was also expected. After all, she was a 'guide' in this game, maybe all of these things that she had experienced now were still a part of the plot. Then she, as a 'guide', must pave the way for the unfolding of the plot.

It was just... I didn't expect her to have a skill that could 'reverse the time'. I thought this game had no supernatural powers except for the presence of ghosts.

"Well, although it is not a power that I have fully grasped, I will succeed! You must hold on to it! Your beliefs are also very important!"


The purpose of Ms. Han, which was also the Rainy Night Murderer, was clearly to torture me before I die, but Fei Fei wanted me to hold on. To be honest, I really wanted to abandon all this and leave the game.

But I vaguely felt that reloading the game was not the same as reversing the time.

I hadn't forgotten that my mission was to find the traces of Awakened AI. I would never find Awakened AI without completely clearing the game.

I never thought I would put so much effort into a task! Sure enough, it was still painful!

"Although I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, I'm going to start."

I felt that the blade in Ms. Han's hand started wandering around my body.

‘Hurry up! Fei Fei! How long is it going to take?’

But to be honest, the moment her knife was stabbed down again, I would immediately go offline!

But then the knife stopped suddenly, and then—

The blade scratched my skin.

At the same time, all the scenes in front of me were moving back… like a movie reply. It was so rapid that it left a phantom. Ms. Han's blade was pulled away from me, pierced into my body again, and then left my body again. I stood up and exited the bedroom. Then I asked Fei Fei questions in the bathroom. Then Ms. Han and I were on the bed...

Then, probably under the control of my will, the time of retreat finally stopped at noon on Sunday. The moment when I parted from Shen Qing and Ying.

The moment the time returned to normal again, it seemed as if Ying had suddenly recovered from the shock. She looked around in panic.

"Eh? What's going on? Why was the time going backwards just now?! Where is this now?"

Shen Qing still looked calm, but her eyes wandered around, trying to find something

What surprised me more was that Fei Fei was also nearby! She couldn't have been around at this time!

"Time was really reversed… you really did it?"

"Ah, I’m so tired..." Fei Fei sat down on the ground and said.


"Thanks… This time you really helped a lot."

Otherwise I would really need to log out of the game...

"Then remember to give me 30 cakes..."

"Okay, I can give them to you now."

Although he doubled the number, I didn’t mind giving them to her.

I just needed to take her to the cake room. Then she could buy as many cakes as she wanted. It was a game anyway, and I didn’t spend much money in the game.

"I mean, what’s going on? Why did we teleport suddenly? And why are you talking to the air?"

Shen Qing's sudden interruption made me realize that I almost forgot to inform her...

"Oh right... Last night… Wait, it's actually tonight…” Then I told them roughly about my experience, including the fact that Ms. Han was the Rainy Night Murderer.

"She is the Rainy Night Murderer?! This is impossible!" Shen Qing opened her eyes in shock. It was very rare to see her react this way.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Um... Someone had spoiled the plot of the game for me before. I’m sure that she is definitely not the Rainy Night Murderer. She is just an ordinary cannon fodder!" Shen Qing replied with certainty.

"But didn't you say that this game won’t kill the player? But why can she kill me?"

Of course, strictly speaking, she didn't kill me. I was rescued by Lin Fei Fei, but that didn't matter. At that time, I would have been killed if Fei Fei weren’t there.

"...Perhaps, this game always has a way to kill the player, such as becoming the Rainy Night Murderer, or using a special murder weapon that belongs to him." Shen Qing said.

There was too much information.

From the death of Lin Liyu, to Ms. Han deliberately lured me to invite her to my house, to her Level of Affection suddenly returning to zero, and then her killing me...

Why was she doing this, and what was her purpose?

"If you look at various conditions, the most reasonable explanation is-she is the AI

we are looking for." Shen Qing said. I was also thinking the same thing.

"Does that mean we found our target? Can we end the mission by taking her away?" Ying asked.

As an AI, Ying didn't treat the opponent as her own kind at all.

The only thing she cared about was to end the mission quickly.

"Take her away... I forgot to ask before, how do we take away an AI?"

"It's very simple, tell the programmer to open the 'door', and then jump into the door with the Awakened AI."

Shen Qing's explanation was simple and easy to understand. I thought it would be a more abstract action like extracting memories, but it turned out to be such a simple operation.

But it was still not easy to accomplish this.

First of all, Ms. Han was very strong. I had already tried this. Secondly, her knife was probably the knife that belonged to the Rainy Night Murderer. It was also the only murder weapon in this game.

Now the problem was obvious, and that was how to subdue her. The situation was very unfavorable for us. After all, we were unarmed high school students!

"I am only good at ranged attack, so I can't fight her in close battle."

Shen Qing first excluded herself from the fight... But what kind of excuse was this?

"If it can help Yuan, then I can go..."

"Ying, forget it."

How could I let a true female high school student who was also my girlfriend to fight a murderer!

I sighed. It was already obvious who should go.

"In that case, I will go--"

"Oh? Student Shi? It's been a long time."

At this moment, Ms. Han's voice suddenly appeared from the corner.

I was not a player with a strong professional belief, and occasionally I played a melee profession that specialized in close battle, but this did not mean that I could face a murderer in this galgame without any weapons.

Besides, I still didn't know how Ms. Han changed from cannon fodder to the rainy night murderer. We only knew that she was an awakening AI, and it was a very vicious kind.

It was just that I didn't expect that she would find me so soon after the time went back.

At this moment, she was dressed up neatly.

"What's going on! Why is she here?! Why did she still have memories?"

Lin Feifei's face suddenly turned pale because of the sudden appearance of Ms. Han.

"I can't explain it to you... I can only say that she is different from you, in terms of being an NPC."




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